Monday, 28 November 2011


3 Years ago today I married my wonderful Hubby :-)

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Right now Im busy completing a Mountain of custom orders, I was hoping to have some sewing time this weekend, but it just didnt happen...

On Saturday, we had a lovely lazy morning, with 3 in the bed (Hubby, Emelia and Me) lots of giggles, cuddles and happy memories. When we finally decided to get up, we went for a drive up to Cockburn, and I actually went into spotlight and didnt buy any thing! wowow We then went into a furntiture shop were I found 2 bookcases (on special) that were exactly the right height for my new cutting table. So after realising that I wouldnt fit them into the car with a baby seat in the back, I drove Emelia and Hubby home, then went back up to pick up the bookcases.. Unfortunatley I also stopped in Spotlight... this time I did come out with a few things... hehehe I just cant resist it!
That night we decided to watch the last Harry Potter film, Im sad to say good bye to Harry, Ron and Hermione, I may just have to read the books again!

Sunday we planned to have a lovely Roast Lunch with the inlaws, So went went to pick them up sunday morning, and we saw that Rockingham had a Fair on, so we spent the morning looking around. Emelia had a great time, she just loves her Granny and Grandad, and Grandad just dotes on her, he will play with her for hours and hours, just letting her wander wherever she wants, and him following her! Its very cute!

Emelia patting a goat

Checking out a duck

Patting a Calf

We have a real little nature lover on our hands!

When we got home I cooked up a yummy Roast chicken with Yorkshire Puddings and all the lovely roast veggies, YUMMMMM

Then we set to work on my sewing room! WOW what a job! hahaha half way through my Mum came to visit, and she could barely get through the front door hahahaha My husband and Father-in-law did all the heavy lifting, and its still not 100% finished, but hopefully it will make a much better sewing area.

My new cutting table - 2 bookcases and a peice of melamine

VERY MESSY, but slowly getting there

Add caption

a lot of work still to be done, a scrapbook destash, fabric tidy up and it should be just about right

So all in all it was a very busy weekend, but back to finishing custom orders this week! I hope to have them finished by the end of this week.

Bec xxx

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Oh Dear, what have I got myself into???

Last week, I went to my quilty friend Kat's place for some company while we both did some monotonous sewing (sewing on labels ehhhh) after about an hour or so we were both falling asleep at out sewing machines out of sheer boardness - is that even a word?... (that and having stayed up late the night before sewing and chatting) I was just about to pack up and Kat decided that she needed to make a pressie for a party that she was going to the next day, after some discussion, she decided on making one of her gorgeous quilted cushions, and as I had LOVED that cushion from the day I saw it, I thought Hrmmm I might just follow along with her! We were both re-energised and set about getting our fabrics together.

Let me tell you a little secret... I'M NOT A QUILTER.... I sew clothing... children's clothing.... period.... lol.

I set about using some delicious lecien fabrics that I purchased from etsy recently, as well as raiding Kats scrap bin.

this is what I came up with

Isn't it pretty? I just love these fabrics
So after seeing the finished product and loving it so much...... I decided in a moment of madness, that I'm going to make a quilt for Emelia, for when she goes into a big bed... Am I crazy?? Where am I going to find the time? Oh well, no rest for the wicked!!

two of the fabrics I chose were found down at my local spot light, but the pretty Lecien is imported, and I don't have enough of it by far, so now I have to source more of that, but I think it will be worth it! and the Emelia can keep is as a special keepsake for the rest of her life :-)

this is the first block I made

I quilted the wrong way, but oh well....
And I want the final product to look a little like this ..... Obviously different fabrics, but you get the drift!

Any quilting tips greatly appreciated, especially - how to keep my lines straight hehehehe

Monday, 21 November 2011

Introductions and Im a Market Girl


After a few weeks of pestering from my good friend Kat I have decided to start a blog, hopefully I will keep this one running!

My name is Bec, and I am the owner of a small business called Milly and Mummy I hand make childrens clothing. My inspiration comes from my gorgeous daughter Emelia (Or Milly as we nick named her) I love buying original handmade clothing for her, and one day I decided I could make them myself! I just love sewing. 

Miss Milly, pulling one of her faces :-)

This blog will be about my adventures as a Mummy, A WAHM (Work at home Mum) and anything else that crops up :-)

This weekend I had the pleasure of being a Retailer at Market Girl - Boutique Markets.

What a day! I had spent the past several weeks making enough stock to sell at market, and when I saw the ever increasing retailers list I started getting VERY nervous! I finished of my last garment about 1am Sunday morning, then was up at 7 am to pack up my car and head off. I am still feeling the after affects of the weekend, soooo tiring.

I had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful retailers, some of whom I hope to be doing markets with again next year!