Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Change is in the air

Change is good right? Usually I LOVE change, I thrive on change, But this change, I'm scared to make.

I suppose I should explain..

For awhile now I have been accepting more and more custom orders, my list keeps getting longer and longer, it just seems like I finish a couple of orders and all of a sudden I have a heap more. Now I Love doing custom orders, its fantastic that I get to work with a customer to make something that they and their child will love, BUT (there is always a but isn't there) it unfortunately does not leave me any time to create new designs, and to use all the beautiful fabrics I have sitting on my shelves. If I don't create new designs, then my business is not going to move forward. So I have been umming and arrhing about a solution to this problem. With the help of friends I have come up with a couple of solutions:

1. I have enlisted the help of a friend (possibly 2) to come on board as admins on my Facebook page, She (or they) will do her best to answer all questions, and just free up some of my time so I don't have to spend it on facebook (even though I'm addicted to facebook)

2. All custom orders from now on will require a 50% non-refundable Deposit. I have resisted this, but unfortunately I have made up a few orders that have not been paid for after I have made them. This then leaves me with items that I need to reduce the price of to sell. It is also time spent that I could have been making other custom orders. I fully understand if people wish to cancel their order, and will refund the deposit if they contact me before I make their order.

3. I will be posting daily which orders I am up to. If you are in doubt of what order the custom orders are in, there is a photo album labelled "custom orders list" which has a photo with all the custom orders listed underneath. These are in order of when they were placed.

4. As of the 1st of January, I will only be taking 2 custom orders a week - You will need to be the first to comment to gain a custom order. This will leave me time to create new and exciting products! I will have a market night once a month, and in the market night I will offer up extra custom orders.

I hope these changes work to make my business run a little more smoothly! I will also be doing about 7-8 markets next year, so hopefully all my local likers will have the chance to pick up some cute outfits!

thank you all for your wonderful support! I love you all!!

Bec xxx

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